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An Afghan military helicopter crash in western Afghanistan kills at least 1 person, the Taliban say

来源:Worldly Winds news portal编辑:health时间:2024-06-03 19:17:50

ISLAMABAD (AP) — An Afghan military helicopter crashed on Wednesday in Ghor province in western Afghanistan, killing at least one person, the Taliban defense ministry said.

The crash of the MI-17 was caused by a technical problem, according to a statement.

The helicopter was on a rescue mission after a vehicle carrying civilians plunged into a river near the city of Feroz Koh, the provincial capital of Ghor, the ministry said in post on the social media platform X.

Twelve passengers were injured in the crash, according to the statement. The crew tried to make an emergency landing but the helicopter hit a wall and crashed, it added.

The statement did not identify the individual who was killed in the accident and it was not clear how many people were on board.

Images posted on X show the crash site along a river, where dozens of people gathered to try to help the survivors.

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