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Over 260 mln passenger trips made on first day of Qingming holiday

来源:Worldly Winds news portal编辑:sport时间:2024-06-03 17:52:44

Tourists pose with peach flowers at a sightseeing garden in Shenzhou City, north China's Hebei Province, April 5, 2024. (Xinhua/Wang Xiao)

China's inter-regional passenger traffic surged to around 262.14 million on Thursday, the first day of the three-day Qingming Festival holiday, data from the Ministry of Transport showed Friday.

The figure represents a 70.34-percent increase compared with the same day of 2023, according to the ministry.

In detail, road and waterway trips experienced year-on-year growth of 68.5 percent and 53.36 percent, respectively.

Qingming Festival, also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day, is a traditional Chinese festival for people to pay tribute to the dead and worship their ancestors.

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